About Me

Finding Answers

Born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, my early years were immersed in the acting and modeling world—a path I pursued despite my parents objections. By the age of 12, I secured my first paying gig and was loving every minute of the journey . My heart has always been set on connecting with people. When college approached, my parents declined to support a performing arts degree.Influenced by my father, a lawyer who valued helping others through his profession, I opted for law school and earned a law degree. Life then took a turn when my then-husband received a job offer in the US, prompting our family, including our 6-month-old daughter, to relocate. Starting over was challenging without friends or family nearby, which nudged me back into the performing arts. I was fortunate to spend over a decade in acting, commercial modeling, and theater. However, this lifestyle took its toll on my health. I was juggling motherhood and striving for what I believed was "health"—maintaining a slim figure for the camera, eating salads, avoiding meat, and over-exercising daily. By my mid-20s, the repercussions of my lifestyle began to surface .I couldn't sleep through the night, I suffered from brain fog, IBS, bloating, food sensitivities, chronic fatigue , depression – just a few of my symptoms. I saw doctors, chiropractors, and nutritionists, but no one could tell me why I felt so bad! I was offered the pill, antidepressants, and advice like, 'you're healthy! At the end of my rope, I found something called Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. As I became a certified practitioner, I ran a series of cutting-edge functional lab tests on myself and discovered that my minerals , hormones, digestion, and thyroid were all a mess! Using the patented D.R.E.S.S. ® protocol on myself while addressing the imbalances found on my lab work, I now feel better than I ever have.  In 2023 I earned a master’s degree in Functional Nutrition enhancing my ability to develop customized health strategies for my client’s unique needs . I understand the struggle of living yet not feeling fully alive, burdened by awful symptoms with nowhere to turn for answers. Nutrition and healing is unique to every individual. Together, we'll navigate through the maze of dietary advice to find precisely what your body needs to flourish. With a strategy grounded in tailored nutritional plans, specific supplementation, and lifestyle modifications, I am committed to guiding you back to the vitality you deserve. If you're ready to embark on the journey toward a healthier you, click below to schedule a discovery call and explore if this is the journey for you.

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Health Coach Disclaim :Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® health coaches do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Nothing we share with our clients is intended to substitute for the advice, treatment or diagnosis of a qualified licensed physician. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) Practitioners may not make any medical diagnoses or claim, nor substitute for your personal physician’s care. It is the role of a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner to partner with their clients to provide ongoing support and accountability in an opt-in model of self-care and should be done under the supervision of a licensed physician.